To conveniently resize current windows to the available screen space on your Mac, you may want to download Right Zoom. As posted in Apple’s developer library: “Zoom button toggles a window between its standard state and its user state.” Zoom button simply positions the window to its previous state. Sure, there’s a button to maximize Safari to full-screen, but there are many others apps - Finder, for instance - that cannot be resized using the zoom button.

Give it a try: launch Safari, hit the green button, and you will know the browser doesn’t resize itself, and it will not expand to full-screen. The Zoom button, when clicked, doesn’t resize windows automatically. This button doesn’t do what you think it does. Let’s talk about the green button - known as the Zoom button - that is visible on almost every Mac application. Longtime Windows users who have migrated to Mac OS X may require a little time to get used to Apple’s operating system.